Every product from SMAAK | AMSTERDAM is made with great care and attention. By using high-quality and durable materials, our products will last for years to come. We collaborate on all collections to optimize production processes for a sustainable and environmentally friendly living environment. Our design studio works closely with selected production partners so that the same values are pursued.

Many of our suppliers are small family-owned factories, supporting heritage production techniques largely left behind by modern mass production. These factories are often the mainstays of their local communities and production with them supports local economies around the world.

All of our factories have been independently audited for compliance with social standards and have agreed to our SMAAK terms and conditions, including compliance with local labor laws. Our suppliers are like family to us, and we visit them regularly as we co-create products to ensure the highest quality and that our relationship continues to mean more than just business.

Our supply chain differs from many other brands in that we minimize our environmental footprint by producing near our material sources whenever possible. In manufacturing, it is common for raw materials to be produced on the opposite side of the world from where the finished product is made, requiring shipping from raw material to factory and then from factory to store. We deliberately choose factories that are close to the source.