Payment options

The purchase and sale agreement comes into effect when the offer is accepted and fulfils the conditions set out therein. As long as the receipt of this acceptance has not been confirmed by e-mail, the customer may dissolve the agreement. The amount due can be paid via IDEAL, Visa and MasterCard & Paypal. Smaak Retail B.V. accepts IDEAL payments via ABN-AMRO, Rabobank, Fortis, ING, SNS Bank, ASN Bank, Friesland Bank, Triodos, KNAB, Regio Bank and van Lanschot.

When paying with Visa or MasterCard, Smaak Retail B.V. reserves the right to check whether the card is valid, whether there is sufficient spending capacity to debit the purchase amount and whether your address details are correct. When paying with iDeal, use is made of the Multisafepay internet cashier. Payments with Visa or MasterCard are processed by Multisafepay. This payment provider handles the processing of transactions.